
Fungicides for the Home and Garden

John Damicone, Extension Plant Pathologist

A problem with disease control for the home and garden is that the numerous fungicides registered for use on vegetable, fruit, and nut, and ornamental crops usually come in large quantities such as a 1 or even 2.5 gal container costing $100 or more. Users generally only need and can use a few ounces. I recently searched the database of fungicides registered for use in Oklahoma with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture and Forestry ( for home and garden brands of fungicide active ingredients.

The following active ingredients are registered for use in Oklahoma:

Calcium polysulfide: Lime sulfur dormant spray for fruit trees and ornamentals that is particularly useful for peach leaf curl. Lime sulfur is sold under Bonide and Hi-Yield brands.

Captan: A broad spectrum, protectant fungicide for fruit, ornamentals, turf, and seed treatment uses sold under Bonide and Hi-Yield brands.

Chlorothalonil: Same active ingredient as Bravo. Chlorothalonil is a protectant fungicide with broad-spectrum activity against most foliar diseases sold under Bonide, Ferti-lome, GardenTech, Gordon, Hi-Yield, and Ortho brands for use on vegetable crops, stone fruits, and ornamentals.

Copper hydroxide: Same active ingredient as Kocide. A broad-spectrum, protectant fungicide and bactericide labeled on vegetable crops, fruits, nuts, and ornamentals under Ferti-lome and Hi-Yield brands.

Copper octanoate: A copper soap fungicide and bactericide registered under Natural Guard and Bonide brands for use on vegetable crops, fruits, nuts, and ornamentals.

Copper sulfate: Often called Bordeaux mixture, it is the original broad-spectrum protectant fungicide and bactericide. Copper sulfate is sold under Hi-Yield and Gordon brands for use on vegetable crops, fruits, nuts, and ornamentals.

Mancozeb: Broad-spectrum fungicide for use on vegetable crops, grapes and ornamentals under the Bonide brand. Mancozeb is the same active ingredient as Dithane and is often tank-mixed with copper in tomato spray programs.

Maneb: Broad-spectrum fungicide for use on vegetable crops, grapes, and ornamentals under the Gordon and Hi-Yield brands. Maneb is often tank-mixed with copper in tomato spray programs.

Myclobutanil: A systemic triazole fungicide for use on fruit, ornamentals and turf under the Spectracide brand. It is the same active ingredient as Nova and is particularly useful for control of cedar-apple rust, other rusts, and powdery mildews.

Propiconazole: A systemic triazole fungicide for use on fruit, ornamentals, nuts, and turf under Bonide, Ferti-lome, and Gordon brands. It is the same active ingredient as Tilt. A tank mixture of propiconazole and chlorothalonil is excellent for control of black spot on rose.

Streptomycin sulfate: An antibiotic for control of fire blight on fruit and ornamentals under the Ferti-lome brand.

Sulfur: Effective against powdery mildew on a range of vegetable, fruit, and ornamental crops under the Hi-Yield, Ferti-lome, Green Light, and Bonide Brands. All are 90% wettable sulfur that can be applied as a spray or dust. Wettable powder formulations of sulfur can be difficult to mix with water.

Tebuconazole: A systemic triazole fungicide for use on ornamentals and turf under the Bayer Advanced brand. It is the same active ingredient as Folicur.

Thiophanate-methyl: A systemic benzimidazole fungicide for use on ornamentals and turf under the Ferti-lome, Green Light, and Bonide brands. It is the same active ingredient as Topsin.

Triademifon: A systemic triazole fungicide for use on ornamentals and turf under the Green Light brand. It is the same active ingredient as Bayleton.

Triforine: A systemic triazole fungicide for use on ornamentals under the Ortho brand. It is mostly used for control of black spot on rose.

4116 E. 15th Street

Tulsa, OK  74112-6198
