MG Plant Sale

To view our plants, select the Shop Now button above. This will take you to the online store.

In the left hand column you can find all the various categories of plants in this year’s sale. Also, at the top of the page you will see a magnifying glass. Click on this to search for individual plants. Click on Shop All to view all 250 items at once. Quantities are limited on some plants, so to be sure you get what you want, please order early.

Due Date: 

- Online orders are due by midnight, Sunday, March 16th.

Pick up your pre-ordered plants Thursday, April 17th, 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM at the Tulsa Fairgrounds Exchange Center, 21st Street entrance, Gate 1.  We'll provide a map as we get closer to pick-up day.

Proceed to the drive-thru pick-up in front of the Exchange Center and stay in your car. Master Gardeners will meet you and arrange for your plant pick-up.

Be sure to print out your emailed receipt for complete pick-up instructions. Plants are subject to availability.

IMPORTANT - Plants that are not picked up on April 17th will be donated to the Tulsa Master Gardener Programs.

Here is what your participation in our plant sale helps make possible.

Active Master Gardeners: 350

Total Volunteer Hours Donated: 35,017

Master Gardener Diagnostic Center: 3009 Phone Calls, 888 walk-ins,

          445 emails, 4342 Total Clients

Demonstration Garden: Thousands of Visitors Each Year

School Program: 87 Schools, 754 classes, 17,980 students

Exploring Insects: 1200 Students Participated

Senior Living Outreach: 30 facilities / 388 Seniors

Habitat for Humanity: 12 New Homes Landscaped for 12 Families

Home Builders and Gardening Shows: Thousands of Visitors

Gardening eNewsletter: 10,000 recipients

Master Gardener Garden Tour: over 830 Visitors

Tulsa Blooms: Flower Pots in Brookside and BlueDome District

Seed to Supper Farm: Growing Produce to feed those in need

4116 E. 15th Street

Tulsa, OK  74112-6198
