Master Gardener Training

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Steps to Becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer in 2024


The Tulsa County Master Gardeners are looking for individuals that enjoy interacting with people, get along well with others, are life-long learners, and are ready, willing, and able to volunteer their time to join us in our many Master Gardener community outreach programs.

The training program for new Master Gardener Volunteers is offered once a year beginning in September.

We have two informational meetings in August coming up at the Tulsa County Extension Office. The first one is August 7th at 10:00 A.M. and the second is on August 14th at 1:00 P.M. Interviews will begin the week of August 12th. 

The orientations last approximately an hour and will review the requirements to participate in this year’s class, provide an overview of Master Gardener programs and outline the requirements of volunteer hour participation after training is completed. You may attend either session.

Following orientation, interested parties are invited to sign-up for an interview. Interviews will occur shortly thereafter. If accepted into the program, training begins on the Wednesday after Labor Day and continues each following Wednesday through the second Wednesday of December from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm each Wednesday. The cost for the classes will be $250 plus a $35 background check fee. Class size is limited to approximately 40 participants.

Classes are taught by OSU professors, horticulturist, and educators. The following year you are an intern and required to volunteer 70 hours in various aspects of the Master Gardener program. After your intern year and after you have fulfilled your 70 hours of service, you are a full-fledged Master Gardener. Each year moving forward you are required to volunteer 50 hours per year to keep your Master Gardener status. In addition, you are required to attend 10 hours of continuing education per year.

No previous horticultural training or education is required to become a Master Gardener volunteer—training starts with the basics. You do have to be able to use a computer and have an email address.  Not only do you learn a lot, but you will make new friends, joining the group of over 300 Tulsa County Master Gardeners in serving our community.

Come to the orientation and learn about the program, it may be the perfect fit for your volunteer activity.

Questions may be emailed to:

Phone inquiries: 918-746-3707

4116 E. 15th Street

Tulsa, OK  74112-6198
